Charles Aznavour


Charles Aznavour

French Singer

Last name: Aznavourian

Name: Charles

Born: May 22nd, 1924

Place: Paris

His wife: Ulla

His father: Misha Aznavourian (Armenian born in Georgia)

His mother: Armenian, born in Turkey, escaped the American genocide in 1915

1924 His talent was discovered by French singer Edith Piaf, with universal and famous songs as "The bohême", "Comme ils disent", "Je m' voyais déjà"

1946 Charles Aznavour married Micheline, their daughter Séda was born in 1947

1952 birth of his second daughter, Micha

1956 He got married to Évelyne Plessis, with whom he had Patrick

1965 Charles Aznavour presented for twelve consecutive weeks at the Olympia, with thirty songs

1968 He married the swedish  Ulla Thorsel in the Armenian church of Paris

1969 Charles Aznavour won the prize of the American Company of Authors and Composers for his song "Hier Encore" and the medal of the city of Paris.  Birth of its daughter Katia. 

1971 Charles Aznavour received the Lion Award of the Festival of Venice by the for the Italian version of the song "Mourir d' aimer". 

1972 Birth of his son Misha

1974 Charles Aznavour received  platinum album for the song "She" in Great Britain. 

1989 Charles Aznavour was named permanent Ambassador of Armenia by the Unesco. 

1994 Charles Aznavour signed with EMI a contract that entitles EMI to do the recording of the totality of his works, around one thousand songs. 

2004 Charles Aznavour participates in the operation Photographs of the Stars, organized by Reporters Without Borders, an Association of defense of the liberty of press that gives financial support to the families of the 29 reporters that are in prison in Cuba ....... 
